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Written by Caitlin Hyer
Updated over a week ago

Ad Units

Display: Your live landing page served as a new active tab within the user’s browser. A Display Ad is also referred to as a New Tab Ad or NTA.

Lightbox: An overlay that appears on top of the user's active tab. If interested, the user can click on the ad to open up your live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can close the ad by clicking a button.

Push Ad: An overlay that slides in from a corner of the browser window on the user's active tab. If interested, the user can click on the ad to open up your live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can close or minimize the ad by clicking a button.

Spotlight: An overlay, which can include multiple Creatives within one impression, that serves on pages specific to the checkout or "thank you" experiences. Once served, the user can click through on your offer to be taken to your landing page, scroll to the next offer, or close the ad unit entirely.

Textlink: In-text ad served within the HTML text of a website. When a user hovers over the Textlink hyperlink, an impression (ad bubble) will appear. If interested, the user can click on the bubble to open up your live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can mouse away from the bubble to close it. *Please note: This Ad Unit has been discontinued, and no new Creatives can be set up within the OddBytes platform.

More information regarding ad units, pricing and available geos can be found here.

Campaign Settings

Total Budget: The total or cumulative cap for a Campaign. Once the Total Budget is hit, the Campaign will go offline, regardless of how long it was live. It is suggested to leave the field empty so that no Total Budget is entered. For more information, please click here.

Daily Budget & Day Parting: The Campaign's daily budget cap, the day(s) of the week on which the Campaign will serve, and the hours of the day in which the Campaign will serve. This will refresh every night at midnight (PST). If budget(s) are set on both the Campaign and Creative level, traffic will stop serving once the lower cap is met. For more information, please click here.

Targeted CPA: The target CPA (CPA goal) for the Campaign. If a pixel is placed and firing, the actual CPA within the platform will be color-coded depending on how it compares to the Targeted CPA (TCPA) set. For example, if a Campaign's CPA is $5 and TPCA is $15, the CPA will be a green color.

CPA Optimization: The toggle to enable or disable the CPA Optimization Algorithm. To set the algorithm, a Campaign must have 30+ conversions within 60 days. For more information about the Optimization Algorithm, please click here.

Frequency Cap: The frequency in which a Campaign is served to a unique user within the specified timeframe. For more information, please click here.

Creative Settings

Targeted CPA: The target CPA (CPA goal) for the Creative. If a pixel is placed and firing, the actual CPA within the platform will be color coded depending on how it compares to the Targeted CPA (TCPA) set. For example, if a Creative's CPA is $5 and TPCA is $15, the CPA will be listed as green.

CPA Optimization: The toggle to enable or disable the CPA Optimization Algorithm. To set the algorithm, a Creative must have 30+ conversions within 60 days. For more information about the Optimization Algorithm, please click here.

Creative URL: The Landing Page's tracking URL.

Backup URL: The Backup URL can be used as a replacement Creative URL if and when the Creative URL is found to contain a URL that is flagged by malware. This allows the Creative to remain active while the Creative URL's flag is resolved. For more information, please click here.

URL A/B Test: The URL Rotation tool allows for two different rotation settings. For more information, please click here.

  1. Rotate using an external system (i.e. Cake, Prosper) - the Creative has rotating landing pages, which are being rotated by a 3rd party system. If landing pages are rotating via one tracking link, OddBytes requires each landing page variation to be provided for editorial review. This is the section where the variations are listed.

  2. Rotate using the OddBytes Platform - the Creative has rotating landing pages, which are being rotated by OddBytes. This is the section where each variation is listed and the traffic shares per variation is specified.

Creative Type: The ad unit type for the Creative.

Target By Region: The country from which the traffic is originating. OddBytes does not offer international traffic, so the default option is to target United States traffic.

Frequency Cap: The frequency in which a Creative is served to a unique user within the specified timeframe. For more information, please click here.

Matching Options: The option to select the Creative's keyword matching between Exact Match and Broad Match. For more information, please click here.

  1. Exact Match: The default option. The keyword triggering the ad matches exactly the Keyword being bid on.

  2. Broad Match: Applies to Keywords with 2+ words. Using Broad Match will allow you to match the exact Keyword phrase entered and phrases that include the exact words but in a different sequence. The words must all be within the same sentence but do not have to be next to each other.

  3. Wide Match: Includes Exact Match and Broad Match. Allows entered Keywords or Keyword phrases to be matched with singular and plural variations.

Max Daily Visits or Clicks: In addition to budget caps, a cap can be placed on the number of impressions (Display and Lightbox) or clicks (Push and Textlink) a Creative can receive within one day.

Day Parting (Days): The day(s) of the week on which a Creative will serve.

Day Parting (Hours): The hours of the day in which a Creative will serve. Hourly settings are on PST.

Daily Budget: The Creative's daily budget cap. This will refresh every night at midnight (PST). If budgets are set on both the Campaign and Creative levels, traffic will stop serving once the lower cap is met.

Total Budget: The total or cumulative cap for a Creative. Once the Total Budget is hit, the Creative will go offline, regardless of how long it was live. It is suggested to leave the field empty so that no Total Budget is entered.

Time Range: The Creative's flight dates. If there is no specific date that a Creative must stop serving on and can run as long as possible, it is suggested that the end date be left open or unlimited.

Targeting Options

Keyword: A Keyword can be a word, phrase, domain or URL. It is used to target your Creative, and what the adserver looks for to identify within the URL string, Page Title or content of the page (depending on the ad unit) which ad is to be served. A Keyword can be a maximum of 30 characters long.

Topic: Topics are an additional targeting method to use for your Campaigns, allowing you to target sub-groups of traffic rather than individual Keywords or URLs through Topic verticals, individual Topics or Topic combinations. For more information about Topics, please click here.

Geotargeting: A list of geographic regions (States, DMAs and Zip Codes) that can be Included (targeted to) or Excluded (blocked). Geotargeting can be used on the Account, Campaign and/or Creative level. For more information about Geotargeting, please click here.

Browser Targeting: A list of Browsers that can be Included (targeted to) or Excluded (blocked). Browser Targeting can be used on the Account, Campaign and/or Creative level. For more information about Browser targeting, please click here.

Segments & Segment Targeting: A segment represents groups of people with one or more common interests. Segments can be based on Campaign(s), Creative(s) or Pixel(s), and can be used on the Account, Campaign and/or Creative level to target to or way from users. For more information about Segments, please click here.

Placement Targeting: A list of placements (domains) that can be whitelisted (targeted to) or blacklisted (blocked). Placement targeting can be used on the Account, Campaign and/or Creative level. For more information about Placement targeting, please click here.

OS Targeting: A list of Operating Systems that can be Included (targeted to) or Excluded (blocked). OS Targeting can be used on the Account, Campaign and/or Creative level. For more information about OS targeting, please click here.

Please note the rules affecting all Targeting, other than Keywords or Topics, listed below:

  • If you set up Targeting on one level, the targeting will apply to any of the lower levels. For example, Segment Targeting applied at the Campaign level will apply to all Creatives within the Campaign.

  • If you set up targeting using the same option (Geo, Browser, Segment, etc.) on multiple levels, the targeting at the lowest level will override what is set at the higher level(s). For example, if you have one segment applied at the Campaign level but a different segment applied to one of the Campaigns' Creatives, the Creative segment targeting will take affect and override the Campaign's segment.

Tracking Options

Pixel: A piece of code used to be placed on your website or server to track an event or action, usually a conversion. OddBytes offers three pixel options: Global Tag, HTML Pixel and Postback Pixel. For more information about OddBytes' Pixels, please click here.

Global Tag: A single piece of code that can be placed in the header of each page chosen to track events/actions on. For more information about OddBytes' Global Tag, please click here.

HTML Pixel: A piece of code placed on the "conversion confirmation page" which utilizes cookie sessions to track conversions. For more information about OddBytes' HTML Pixel, please click here.

Postback/S2S: In conjunction with the advertiser's server, it uses a URL and unique identifier used to generate, store and fire back the identifier at the time of conversion. For more information about OddBytes' Postback Pixel, please click here.

Conversion Import Tool: The Conversion Import Tool can be used to import 3rd party conversions into the OddBytes Platform without the usage of OddByte pixels, via a manual upload or email upload. For more information about the manual option, please click here. For more information about the email option, please click here.

Please note: OddBytes' global pixel can be used across Campaigns and offers within an account. However, it is suggested to use separate pixels per offer if pixel segments are used to avoid excluding the wrong user(s).


Active: The Campaign, Creative or Keyword is active and receiving traffic.

Paused: The Campaign, Creative or Keyword is paused and no longer receiving traffic. If resumed (set to Active), traffic can begin again.

Completed: The Campaign or Creative has been completed due to the Total Budget or End Date and is no longer receiving traffic. If the Total Budget is increased/set to Unlimited and/or End Date is extended, traffic can begin again.

Deleted: The Campaign, Creative or Keyword is paused and no longer receiving traffic. Changing the status to Active will not resume traffic again. The Campaign, Creative or Keyword must be re-setup to receive traffic.

Awaiting Approval: The Creative is new to the system and is waiting for compliance review before receiving traffic. For more information about compliance reviews, please click here.

Awaiting Update: The Creative URL and/or Ad (Lightbox, Push, Spotlight, or Textlink) have been modified and are waiting for compliance review before the new version can receive traffic. Traffic is paused until it is approved again.

Rejected: The Creative did not meet OddBytes' Editorial Policies and has been rejected. For more information regarding the policies, please click here.

Optimized: The Campaign or Creative is being optimized by the CPA Optimizer. For more information about the Optimization Algo, please click here.

Non-Optimized: The Campaign or Creative is not being optimized by the CPA Optimizer. For more information about the Optimization Algo, please click here.

Campaign Columns

ID: The unique identifier for a Campaign.

Campaign Name: The name of the Campaign.

Type: Icon representing the creative type(s) found within a Campaign.

#: The number of Creatives contained within a Campaign.

Budget: The budget cap set for a Campaign to cap its daily cost.

Created: The date the Campaign was added to the account.

Modified: The most recent date the Campaign was modified or updated.

Last Served: The timestamp of the most recent impression served for a Campaign.

Impressions: The total number of times a Campaign was served within a specific timeframe.

Clicks: The number of instances a user clicked on a Lightbox, Push, Spotlight or Textlink Creative to be directed to the landing page for a specified timeframe. Please note, OddBytes does not track Clicks for Display ads as the landing page is hosted by the advertiser.

Cost: Cost or spend generated by ads delivered for a Campaign.

Win Rate: The percentage of auctions a Campaign ‘won’ within a specific timeframe. For more information on Win Rate, please click here.

Targeting: The central location displaying the various types of targeting applied to a Campaign. For more information on the different targeting options, please click here.

Last Capped: The timestamp of the most recent date a Campaign has capped out.

Margin: The ratio or percentage of revenue generated compared to cost or spend.

Targeted CPA: The target CPA (CPA goal) for the Campaign. If a pixel is placed and firing, the actual CPA within the platform will be color coded depending on how it compares to the Targeted CPA (TCPA) set. For example, if a Campaign's CPA is $5 and TPCA is $15, the CPA will be a green color.

Conversions: An action a user takes on the website or offer that has value to its business, such as a purchase, sign-up, or install. Conversions will only display in the OddBytes Platform if an OddBytes pixel is used and successfully fires. For more information about tracking conversions please click here.

Revenue: The revenue generated per conversion. This can be a static or dynamic amount based on how the OddBytes pixel is implemented. For more information about passing through dynamic revenue, please click here.

CPA: The Cost per Action (Conversion). A CPA will only display in OddBytes Platform if an OddBytes pixel is used and successfully fires.

CR: The Conversion Rate for a Campaign, representing the ratio of Conversions to Impressions (Display and Lightbox) or Clicks (Push or Textlink).

Creative Metrics and Columns

ID: The unique identifier for a Creative.

Creative Name: The name of the Creative.

Type: Icon representing the creative type for the Creative.

#: The number of Keywords contained within the Creative.

Campaign Name: The name of the Campaign the Creative is contained in.

Rotation Details: Signals if a Creative is utilizing the URL Rotation Tool. If being used, the type of rotation will be listed (External or Internal).

Region: The country where a Creative is being served.

Daily Budget: The budget cap set for a Creative to cap its daily cost.

Total Budget: The budget set to cap the total spend of a Creative.

Created: The date a Creative was added to the account.

Modified: The most recent date a Creative was modified or updated.

Last Served: The timestamp of the most recent impression served for a Creative.

Impressions: The total number of times a Creatives was served within a specific timeframe. Display will represent the serving of your live landing page; Lightbox and Spotlight will represent the overlay; Push and Textlink will represent the ad bubble, all before the user clicks through to the landing page.

Clicks: The number of times a user clicked on a Lightbox, Push, Spotlight, or Textlink Creative to be directed to the landing page for a specified timeframe. Please note, OddBytes does not track Clicks for Display ads as the landing page is hosted by the advertiser.

Cost: Cost or spend generated by ads delivered for a Creative.

CTR: The Click Thru Rate calculated for a Creative, representing the percentage of clicks generated out of impressions served. A CTR will not be calculated for Display Creatives due to the inability to track clicks.

CPC: The Cost per Click calculated for a Creative.

CPM: The Cost per Thousand Impressions for a Creative.

Win Rate: The percentage of auctions a Creative ‘won’ within a specific timeframe. For more information on Win Rate, please click here.

Targeting: The central location displaying the various types of targeting applied to a Creative. For more information on the different targeting options, please click here.

Last Capped: The timestamp of the most recent date a Creative has capped out.

Targeted CPA: The target CPA (CPA goal) for the Creative. If a pixel is placed and firing, the actual CPA within the platform will be color coded depending on how it compares to the Targeted CPA (TCPA) set. For example, if a Creative's CPA is $5 and TPCA is $15, the CPA will be a green color.

Creative URL: The Landing Page's tracking URL.

Backup URL: A checkmark indicates that a Backup URL is in place for the Creative. If the checkmark is green, the Backup URL is in use and acting as the Creative URL. If the checkmark is orange, the Backup URL is paused and not in use.

Margin: The ratio or percentage of revenue generated compared to cost or spend.

Conversions: An action a user takes on the website or offer that has value to its business, such as a purchase, sign-up, or install. Conversions will only display in the OddBytes Platform if an OddBytes pixel is used and successfully fires. For more information about tracking conversions please click here.

Revenue: The revenue generated for a conversion. This can be a static or dynamic amount based on how the OddBytes pixel is implemented. For more information regarding dynamic revenue, please click here.

CPA: The Cost per Action (Conversion). A CPA will only display in Oddytes Platform if an OddBytes pixel is used and successfully fires.

CR: The Conversion Rate for a Creative, representing the ratio of Conversions to Impressions (Display and Lightbox) or Clicks (Push or Textlink).

ACPC: The Allowable CPC for a Creative, representing the maximum CPC that should be used to maintain profitability based on the number of conversions and TCPA. The ACPC can only be calculated if an OddBytes pixel fires and a TCPA is set.

APCV: The Allowable CPV (Cost per Impression) for a Creative, representing the maximum CPV that should be used to maintain profitability based on the number of conversions and TCPA. The ACPV can only be calculated if an OddBytes pixel fires and a TCPA is set.

Keyword Metrics and Columns

ID: The unique identifier for a Keyword.

Keyword: The Keyword (word, phrase, domain or URL} used to target the Creative.

Creative Name: The name of the Creative a Keyword is contained in.

Campaign Name: The name of the Campaign a Keyword is contained in.

Region: The country where a Keyword's Creative is being served.

Max Bid: The maximum CPV or CPC which OddBytes can charge per Impression or Click.

Created: The date the Campaign, Creative or Keyword was added to the account.

Modified: The most recent date the Campaign, Creative or Keyword was modified or updated.

Activity: The graphical representation for the traffic volume on a keyword. The “fuller” the bar, the more traffic there is.

Last Served: The timestamp of the most recent impression or click served for a Keyword.

Impressions: The total number of times a Keyword was served within a specific timeframe. The display will represent the serving of your live landing page; Lightbox and Spotlight will represent the overlay, while Push and Textlink will represent the ad bubble, all before the user clicks through to the landing page.

Clicks: The number of times a user clicked on a Lightbox, Push, Spotlight or Textlink Creative's Keyword to be directed to the landing page for a specified timeframe. Please note, OddBytes does not track Clicks for Display ads as the landing page is hosted by the advertiser.

Cost: Cost or spend generated by ads delivered for a Keyword.

CTR: The Click Thru Rate calculated for a Keyword, representing the percentage of clicks generated out of impressions served. A CTR will not be calculated for Display Keywords due to the inability to track clicks.

CPM: The Cost per Thousand Impressions for a Keyword.

Win Rate: The percentage of auctions a Keyword ‘won’ within a specific timeframe. For more information on Win Rate, please click here.

Margin: The ratio or percentage of revenue generated compared to cost or spend.

Avg. Rank: The average ranking for a specific timeframe, representing a Keyword's ranking compared to advertiser competition on the same Keyword. The higher the numerical ranking, the better. If no numerical ranking (HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW) is displayed, then a Keyword has not yet received enough traffic to calculate a numerical rank.

Avg. Bid: The average price charged per Impression or Click for a specific timeframe. Due to OddByes' 'Proxy Bidding System', Avg. Bids are generally much lower than the set Max Bid.

Open. Bid: The suggested bid to set for a Keyword's Max Bid to receive any traffic. An Opening Bid may equal the Minimum Bid if there is little advertiser competition and/or high traffic levels for a Keyword. A Keyword will very likely not receive traffic if the Max Bid is set below the Opening Bid.

Targeted CPA: The target CPA (CPA goal) set for a Campaign or Creative. If a pixel is placed and firing, the actual CPA for a Keyword within the platform will be color coded depending on how it compares to the Targeted CPA (TCPA). For example, if a Keyword's CPA is $5 and TPCA is $15, the CPA will be a green color.

Conversions: An action a user takes on the website or offer that has value to its business, such as a purchase, sign-up, or install. Conversions will only display in the OddBytes Platform if an OddBytes pixel is used and successfully fires. For more information about tracking conversions, please click here.

Revenue: The revenue generated for a conversion. This can be a static or dynamic amount based on how the OddBytes pixel is implemented. For more information about passing through dynamic revenue, please click here.

CPA: The Cost per Action (Conversion) for a Keyword. A CPA will only display in OddBytes Platform if an OddBytes pixel is used and successfully fires.

CR: The Conversion Rate for a Keyword, representing the ratio of Conversions to Impressions (Display and Lightbox) or Clicks (Push or Textlink).

ACPC: The Allowable CPC (Cost per Click) for a Keyword, representing the maximum CPC that should be used to maintain profitability based on the number of conversions and TCPA. The ACPC can only be calculated if an OddBytes pixel fires and a TCPA is set.

APCV: The Allowable CPV (Cost per Impression) for a Keyword, representing the maximum CPV that should be used to maintain profitability based on the number of conversions and TCPA. The ACPV can only be calculated if an OddBytes pixel fires and a TCPA is set.

Acronyms & Formulas

CPV: Cost per Impression -> Cost/Impressions

CPC: Cost per Click -> Cost/Clicks

CPM: Cost per Thousand Impressions -> (Cost/Impressions)*1000

CPA: Cost per Action -> Cost/Conversions

CTR: Click Thru Rate -> Clicks/Impressions

Allowable CPC: (Conversions*TCPA)/Clicks

Allowable CPV: (Conversions*TCPA)/Impressions

Margin: (Revenue-Cost)/Cost

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