Targeting can be implemented at the Account, Campaign or Creative level and can be used to ensure your ads are focusing on a specific audience. The below options can be used in addition to Keywords and Topics for more precise targeting.
To learn more details and instructions about each specific Targeting option, please click below:
Segment (not available on an Account level)
As of March 8th, 2022, updates to our Targeting Hierarchies were rolled out. Take a look below as to how each level's targeting interplays with each other. Lower level targeting no longer automatically overrides targeting at a higher level, it will only do so unless you set it that way. Please note, existing targeting is not affected, but you are welcome to update your own targeting if you choose to.
Targeting on the Account level
To start, click on the 'Settings' header on the left sidebar and then click on 'General Settings'.
Within 'Accounts', find the desired account on which you want to implement targeting options and click on it to expand.
You will see several options available available in the 'Targeting' section. Click on the 'Edit' button to adjust the targeting for the entire account.
Note: If targeting is set on Account level it will apply to all Campaigns and Creatives if there are no specific settings on those levels.
Targeting on the Campaign level
To start, click on the 'Campaigns' header on the left sidebar and then click on 'Manage Campaigns'. On this page, you will see all the existing Campaigns.
Targeting can be set on several Campaigns, so please select one or more Campaign and then click on the 'Edit' menu and choose 'Change Targeting'.
The Targeting options window will open and you'll see sections for each targeting.
When setting targeting at a Campaign level, you can choose if it should override targeting at the Account level (if applicable) or if it should append to the Account level targeting.
Targeting set at the Campaign level will be displayed as green within the preview window as well as the icons in the Targeting column. If there is targeting set at the Account level, it will be displayed as dark gray. This will help to distinguish if the targeting is set at the current level or at a higher level.
Targeting on the Creative level
Creative level targeting is the same as on the Campaigns, you just need to select the Creative(s) on the Creatives tab.
When setting targeting at a Creative level, you can choose if it should override targeting at the Account or Campaign levels (if applicable) or if it should append to the Account or Campaign levels targeting.
Targeting set at the Creative level will be displayed as green within the preview window as well as the icons in the Targeting column. If there is targeting set at the Account or Campaign levels, it will be displayed as dark gray. This will help to distinguish if the targeting is set at the current level or at a higher level.
When editing Targeting, you have two options: Append or Override. Depending on what your requirements are, you can do one or the other to ensure targeting is correct.
If targeting is set on an Account level, all Campaigns and Creatives will inherit the targeting. However, different or additional targeting can be set at a Campaign and/or Creative level through choosing to Append or Override targeting.
Append: The new Targeting change will be appended, or added, to the current targeting. This can be applied to the same level or different levels.
CA is currently excluded on a Campaign, but you need to also exclude TX. When adding TX to the exclusion list, select 'Append' so that the Campaign will have both CA and TX excluded from serving.
CA is currently excluded on an Account level, but for one Campaign, you need to also exclude TX. When changing the Geotargeting for this specific Campaign, select 'Append' so that TX is excluded in addition to the CA exclusion.
Override: The new Targeting change will override the current targeting. This can be applied to the same level or different levels.
CA is currently excluded on a Campaign, but you instead need to exclude TX. When adding TX to the exclusion list, select 'Override' so that the Campaign will only have TX excluded from serving.
CA is currently excluded on an Account level, but for one Campaign, you need to instead exclude TX. When changing the Geotargeting for this specific Campaign, select 'Override' so that TX is excluded on the Campaign, while all other Campaigns keep the CA exclusion.