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Ad Units and Pricing
Written by Caitlin Hyer
Updated over a week ago

Ad Units

OddBytes provides many ad types to choose from. With these different ad types, you will be able to find the best way to present your offer to your intended Desktop-only audience. Pricing is either Cost per Visit (CPV) or Cost per Click (CPC). The maximum price per impression or click that will be charged is set by you, within the OddBytes Platform.

Ad Unit


Pricing Model

Minimum Bid

An overlay that appears on top of the user's active tab. If interested, the user can click on the ad to open up your live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can close the ad by clicking a button.

*This ad unit is not available for all offers.



An overlay which slides in from a corner of the browser window on the user's active tab. If interested, the user can click on the ad to open up your live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can close or minimize the ad by clicking a button.

Includes ad copy, an image and CTA button.



Display (New Tab Ad or NTA)

Your live landing page served as a new active tab within the user’s browser.




In-text ad served within the HTML text of a website. When a user hovers over the Textlink hyperlink, an impression (ad bubble) will appear. If interested, the user can click on the bubble to open up your live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can mouse away from the bubble to close it.

Includes ad copy, images, brand URL and CTA button.

Please Note: This Ad Unit has been discontinued, and no new Creatives can be set up within the OddBytes platform.



International Traffic

OddBytes does not offer traffic in any countries or regions other than the United States.

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