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Setting Up a New Lightbox Campaign or Creative
Setting Up a New Lightbox Campaign or Creative
Written by Dani Nabors
Updated over 2 years ago


The Lightbox is a custom built overlay that appears on top of the user's active tab. If interested, the user can click on the ad to open up a live landing page in a new tab. If not, the user can close the ad by clicking a button.

The guides below will walk you through how to add a brand new Campaign for our Lightbox or add a new Lightbox Creative to an already existing Campaign.

Add a New Lightbox Campaign

  1. Click on Campaigns on the left sidebar to expand options

  2. Click on Manage Campaigns

  3. Click on the New Campaign button to open the New Campaign overlay

  4. Enter Campaign Name

  5. Enter Daily Budget, Targeted CPA and Description (optional)

    1. If the budget is left empty, the daily budget will be Unlimited. Setting a TCPA is required if you plan to use our CPA Optimizer on the Campaign level. For more information about the Optimizer, please click here.

  6. Enter Creative Name

  7. Enter Targeted CPA (optional)

    1. Setting a TCPA is required if you plan to use our CPA Optimizer on the Creative level. For more information about the Optimizer, please click here.

  8. Enter Creative URL

  9. Click Edit next to Creative Type: Display

  10. Leave Display as Creative Type

  11. Select Lightbox under Creative Subtype - Lightbox fields will then appear:

  12. Enter, Select and Upload Lightbox creative details:

    1. Select Lightbox Style - Descriptions below:

      1. Ad Copy - Left Side: All ad copy (Logo, Title, Description and CTA Button) will be left aligned on the Lightbox.

      2. Ad Copy - Center: All ad copy (Logo, Title, Description and CTA Button) will be center aligned on the Lightbox.

      3. Ad Copy - Right Side: All ad copy (Logo, Title, Description and CTA Button) will be right aligned on the Lightbox

      4. Ad Copy + Image: All ad copy (Logo, Title, Description and CTA Button) will be positioned on the left half of the Lightbox, with the Background Image positioned on the right half.

      5. Completed Creative: The entire Lightbox will be an already completed file (Logo, Title, Description, CTA Button and Image) to be uploaded via the Background Image section.

    2. Upload Logo - Specs below:

      1. Logo Title Supported Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _+- \.

      2. Logo Title Character Count: 4 up to 100 characters

      3. Supported File Types: 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'svg'

      4. File Size: Less than 10MB

    3. Enter Title & Description:

      1. Entire Title - Details below:

        1. Supported Characters: +0-9a-zA-Z\x85\x91-\x97\xA1-\xA3\xA5\xA9\xAB\xAE\xB0\xBB\xBF-\xFF\x80\x99\x9F &/;:,.|<>()=%@?!$*#~^"`\'{}[]-

        2. Minimal Count: 4 characters

        3. Maximal Count: 50 characters

      2. Enter Description - Details below:

        1. Supported Characters: +0-9a-zA-Z\r\n\x85\x91-\x97\xA1-\xA3\xA5\xA9\xAB\xAE\xB0\xBB\xBF-\xFF\x80\x99\x9F &/;:,.|<>()=%@?!$*#~^"`\'{}[]-

        2. Minimal Count: 5 characters

        3. Maximal Count: 200 characters

      3. Text Color: Choose color of Title and Description text

      4. Design CTA Button:

        1. CTA Button: Text contained within button - details below:

          1. Supported Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9

          2. Minimal Count: 3 characters

          3. Maximal Count: 15 characters

        2. CTA Style: Choose between Solid Color or Outline

        3. Accent Color: Choose color of CTA Button (outline color or entire button)

      5. Design Background Image:

        1. Background Image: Upload Image to be used in the background (or entire Lightbox if 'Completed Creative' option is selected) - details below:

          1. Supported File Types: 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'svg'

          2. File Size: Less than 10MB

          3. Overall Lightbox size is 700x390. Image size should fit well within this size

        2. Background Color: Select the color to be used where the Background Image is not used

          1. Repeat/Size: Select if the image should be repeated or not, or if it should be sized to cover or contain the Lightbox

          2. Position: Select where the image should be placed within the Lightbox

        3. Add Impression Pixel (optional)

          1. This can be utilized to track Lightbox impressions within a 3rd party reporting system by using the 3rd party system's pixel.

          2. Pixel must be an Image pixel in a valid URL format.

  13. Set Frequency Cap (optional)

    1. For more information regarding Frequency Cap and Recency, click here.

  14. Select Matching Options (optional)

  15. Enter Max Visitors (optional)

  16. Set Day Parting Hours and Days (optional)

    1. For more information regarding Day Parting Hours and Days, click here.

  17. Enter Total Budget (optional)

  18. Set Time Range (optional)

  19. Enter Keyword(s)

    1. At least one Keyword must be entered for Lightbox to be eligible for serving

    2. Enter Keyword within the field Click Add button

  20. Apply Segment Targeting (optional)

    1. For more information about Segment targeting, click here.

  21. Apply Whitelist Targeting (optional)

    1. For more information about Placement Targeting, click here.

  22. Check box next to 'I have read and I agree to the Terms & Conditions'

  23. Click Save button

The Lightbox creative will into Awaiting Approval status while the OddBytes Editorial Team checks for policy compliance. If it is approved, the creative will then be eligible for serving.

Ad Spec - Best Practices

For all basic types, except "Ad Copy + Image", best to add image following dimensions:

  1. 700x390px; Set Background Repeat/Size to "No Repeat" OR

  2. Image with ratio of 1.8:1 (ie: 600x334px, 800x445px,...); Set Background Repeat/Size to "Cover"

For Ad Copy + Image type, best to add image following dimensions:

  1. 350x390px set Background Repeat/Size to "No Repeat" OR

  2. Image with ratio 1:1.11 (ie: 300x333px, 400x444px). In this case set Background Repeat/Size to "Cover".


  • Anything marked as 'optional' is not a required field and will use default settings if applicable, unless manually edited.

  • The Lightbox wizard is not available for all offers - please reach out to your Account Manager or email [email protected] with any questions.

Add a New Lightbox Creative

  1. Click on Campaigns on the left sidebar to expand options

  2. Click on Manage Campaigns on the left side navigation

  3. Click on the Campaign where the Creative will be added

  4. Click on New Creative

  5. Select Display to open the New Creative overlay

  6. Follow the same steps as listed above in Add a New Lightbox Campaign, starting at step #5

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