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Column Filter & Wildcard Functionality
Written by Caitlin Hyer
Updated over a week ago


The OddBytes Platform has many areas where filters - text, date or numerical - can be applied to different columns.

When searching for and/or filtering for certain word(s) within the platform, OddBytes offers a wildcard function. This way, you can search for word or phrase which starts with, ends with or contains a specific word or phrase. Our wildcard is the asterisk (*).

How to Add a Text Filter

  1. Navigate to any of the platform's sections which offer the ability to add a text filter.

    1. Manage Campaigns

    2. Manage Creatives

    3. Manage Keywords

    4. Main Report

    5. Tracking Manager

  2. Identify the column which to add the filter.

  3. At the right edge of the column header, hover over the area so that a drop down arrow appears.

  4. Select 'Filter' by checking its box.

  5. Enter in the word(s) and/or phrase(s) you wish to filter by.

    1. If you would like to search all for words(s) or phrase(s) which contain a specific word, you can use * as a wildcard.

      1. Starts with: keyword*

      2. Ends with: *keyword

      3. Contains: *keyword*

  6. All entries which follow the filter(s) set will populate on screen.

    1. To remove the filter, uncheck the box next to 'Filter' in the column's drop down.

How to Add a Date Filter

  1. Navigate to any of the platform's sections which offer the ability to add a date filter.

    1. Manage Campaigns

    2. Manage Creatives

    3. Manage Keywords

  2. Identify the column which to add the filter.

  3. At the right edge of the column header, hover over the area so that a drop down arrow appears.

  4. Select 'Filter' by checking its box.

  5. Select the best option to set the date(s).

    1. Before: Will filter the column with entries of all dates which occur before the date set.

      1. If the date selected is August 1st, 2021 on the 'Created' column, then all Creatives set up on July 31st or earlier will be displayed.

    2. After: Will filter the column with entries of all dates which occur after the date set.

      1. If the date selected is August 1st, 2021 on the 'Created' column, then all Creatives set up on August 2nd or later will be displayed.

    3. On: Will filter the column with entries for the date set.

      1. If the date selected is August 1st, 2021 on the 'Created' column, then only Creatives set up on August 1st will be displayed.

  6. All entries which follow the filter(s) set will populate on screen.

    1. To remove the filter, uncheck the box next to 'Filter' in the column's drop down.

Please Note: To filter for entries which occur between a specific timeframe, you can use both Before and After with setting the appropriate dates. For example, if you want to look at Creatives with a Created date for July 2021, then set Before to August 1 and After to June 30.

How to Add a Number Filter

  1. Navigate to any of the platform's sections which offer the ability to add a number filter.

    1. Manage Campaigns

    2. Manage Creatives

    3. Manage Keywords

    4. Main Report

  2. Identify the column which to add the filter.

  3. At the right edge of the column header, hover over the area so that a drop down arrow appears.

  4. Select 'Filter' by checking its box.

  5. Select the best option to set the number(s).

    1. < (Less Than): Will filter the column with entries that are less than the number entered.

      1. If the number entered is 5 in the 'Cost' column, then all rows which have $5 or less in cost for the timeframe selected will be displayed.

    2. > (Greater Than): Will filter the column with entries that are greater than the number entered.

      1. If the number entered is 5 in the 'Cost' column, then all rows which have $5.01 or more in cost for the timeframe selected will be displayed.

    3. = (Equal To): Will filter the column with entries that are equal to the number entered.

      1. If the number entered is 5 in the 'Cost' column, then all rows which have exactly $5 in cost for the timeframe selected will be displayed.

  6. All entries which follow the filter(s) set will populate on screen.

    1. To remove the filter, uncheck the box next to 'Filter' in the column's drop down.

Please Note: To filter for entries which occur between specific numerical values, you can use both < and > with setting the appropriate values. For example, if you want to look at Creatives with a Cost between $100 and $200, then set < to $200.01 and < to $100.

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