Delayed Targeting is a feature of OddBytes' adserving that allows for the ability to serve your ad to a user after the user has navigated away from the domain which is being targeted.
Oftentimes, Delayed Targeting is considered to be similar to "behavioral targeting" used throughout the online advertising space.
How Does Delayed Targeting Work?
To trigger an ad, OddBytes' adserver reads the URL bar and Page Title for the site that the user is actively on and collects Keyword (KW) information from these two sources. Based on this KW information, an auction occurs resulting in a winning advertiser/Creative combination. It is at this point that the ad is served.
There are times that a user may navigate away from the site quicker than an ad is served. To not miss out on an engaged user, Delayed Targeting then takes effect so that the ad opportunity is not lost. OddBytes will still serve the winning Creative to the user within a short timeframe after the user has navigated away from the targeted site.
Please note: Delayed targeting will not apply to traffic being served via Topic targeting. If a Creative includes both Keywords and Topics, Delayed Targeting will be in effect if an impression is served using a Keyword but not for an impression being served using a Topic.
Which Ad Units are Eligible?
Only Display and Lightbox ads are eligible to utilize Delayed Targeting. By default, all Display ads have Delayed Targeting enabled. Lightboxes are disabled by default, but your Sales Rep or Account Manager can enable this upon request.
How Does Domain or Placement Targeting Work with Delayed Targeting?
If a user visits a domain listed on an exclusion list (blacklist), the keyword information will not be collected and your Creative will not be eligible for an auction. Once the user visits a domain that is not blacklisted, your Creative can become eligible again.
If a user visits a domain listed on an inclusion list (whitelist), the keyword information will be collected so that your Creative becomes eligible for an auction. As long as the user remains on the site, your ad can be served. However, once the user moves away from the whitelisted site, your Creative is no longer eligible. Creatives can only be triggered on a whitelisted site while the user is on the domain, making the usage of Delayed Targeting on Creatives with whitelists unavailable.
When looking at the domains via the Main Report, there is the option to view Targeted or Served Domains. The Served Domains are the domains where the ad is served due to Delayed Targeting. You will notice that there will be overlap, with some domains also being the Targeted Domain as the ad was not delayed but others that are not specifically targeted where the ad was served with a delay.
Please note: There is the option to still collect Keyword information from a blacklisted domain, but only serve your Creative after the user navigates away from the domain. Your Sales Rep or Account Manager can enable this upon request.
Is Delayed Targeting required?
No, it is not a requirement to utilize Delayed Targeting. However, its usage is an easy way to increase traffic levels without making any other Creative or Keyword changes. If you wish for it to be disabled for the whole Account or specific Creatives, your Sales Rep or Account Manager can disable it upon request.