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Compliance FAQ
Written by Dani Nabors
Updated over 11 months ago

May I promote adult advertisements?

No, OddBytes does not permit adult offers.

May I use trademark images?

Trademarks are not permitted if the advertiser does not own the trademark or the trademark is not used to promote a product. For example, you may not make your page look like a trademarked page (by using logos or colors) that you don’t own. However, you may use logos for products (i.e. if you are promoting an iPhone offer through AT&T you may use both logos along side with your own to promote the product, but you may NOT make the page look like an Apple or AT&T branded page).

May I promote download offers?

Generally, OddBytes does not permit download offers. All submitted creatives that do not have prior approval will be rejected. Please have your download offer preapproved by contacting your sales representative or account manager.

May I promote Antivirus, Spy/Adware Removal?

No, OddBytes does not permit any anti-virus, spy/adware, driver clean up, or other PC/registry cleaner offers.

May I promote Tech Support offers?

OddBytes does not permit any tech support offers.

May I promote Cannabis offers?

OddBytes allows some Cannabis and CBD offers, as long as the THC levels are <0.3% as per federal guidelines.

May I promote Alcohol/Cigarettes offers?

No, you may not promote Alcohol and Cigarette offers.

May I promote a Poker / Casino offers in the United States?

Generally, OddBytes does not permit poker/casino offers within the United States. OddBytes allows some poker/casino offers to serve in Nevada & New Jersey. All submitted creatives without prior approval will be rejected. Please have your poker/casino offer preapproved by contacting your sales representative or account manager.

May I promote a Poker / Casino offers in International locations?

OddBytes does not provide traffic in international locations.

May I run exit pops?

You may have a (div) overlay exit pop as long as it does not interfere with closing the tab. Any exit pops that inhibit page functionality are not permitted.

May I run entry pops?

You may have a (div) overlay entry pop as long as it does not interfere with opening or navigating the website. Any entry pops that inhibit page functionality are not permitted.

May I rotate landing pages?

Yes, you may rotate landing pages. You must select the Rotator Creative option in the creative settings and provide all links that will be rotating through for editorial approval, or the creative will be rejected. For more information on how to provide all variations, please click here.

My creative was rejected but the screenshot shows a different landing page than what I submitted. What should I do?

Check your offer set up and ensure that you will show the same landing page no matter how the page is accessed. It may be that you are displaying a different landing page when your creative URL is reviewed via a proxy. OddBytes will reject creatives that do not consistently show the same landing page when reviewed.

Why was my Creative rejected for the URL being flagged as malicious?

OddBytes does not allow any URL to serve if it is flagged as malicious, dangerous, malware or any other harmful reason. This is a zero tolerance policy as all Advertisers are responsible for running clean, safe links. If you feel that the flag is a false-positive, please reach out to the vendor(s) that is flagging your URL to have it further reviewed. For more information, please click here.

My creative was rejected because a URL is not secure. What should I do?

OddBytes does not allow any URL (Creative URL, redirect and/or final landing page) to serve if it is not secure. Please make any necessary edits to the URL to ensure every piece is secure.

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