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Keyword Inventory Report
Written by Caitlin Hyer
Updated over a week ago


The Keyword Inventory report is a useful report to identify new Keywords to add to your Creatives' targeting. This report will provide Keywords for the Display, Lightbox and Push ad types, along with the Opening Bid, that have recently experienced a significant increase in available inventory.

Using the Report

There are two ways to access this report: Reports and the Keyword Suggestion Tool.


  1. While logged into your OddBytes account, click on 'Reports' on the left side nav bar.

  2. Click on 'Keyword Inventory'.

  3. Click on the appropriate ad type to view the Keywords.

  4. Click 'Export' to download the list of Keywords. (optional)

For instructions on how to add any of the provided Keywords to your Campaigns, please click here.

Keyword Suggestion Tool:

  1. While logged into your OddBytes account, click the 'Manage Creatives' tab.

  2. Check the box to the left of the Creative(s) you wish to add keywords to.

    1. If selecting more than one Creative, each Creative must be the same ad type.

  3. Click the 'Edit' dropdown menu.

  4. Click 'Add Keywords/Edit Bids'.

  5. Click 'Find Keywords'.

  6. Select 'Keyword Inventory' from the drop down next to 'Suggested Keywords'.

  7. Choose which Keywords to add:

    1. To add all Keywords: Click 'Add All'

    2. To add select Keywords:

      1. Select the Keyword(s) by checking the box to the left of the Keyword and click 'Add Selected' OR

      2. Click the + icon to the right of the Opening Bid

  8. Click 'Submit'.

For more information on the Keyword Suggestion Tool, please click here.

Please note: This report is often updated as Keyword inventory shifts. Please check the report frequently for new Keyword ideas.

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