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Release Notes
Written by Dani Nabors
Updated over 2 months ago

API v3.6.6

Release date: 12/05/2024

API v3.6.5

  • Support for fetching Spotlight Basic creatives

Release date: 07/05/2024

API v3.6.4

  • Support for fetching Spotlight (POSTCHECKOUT) creatives added

Release date: 02/26/2024

API v3.6.3

  • We are no longer returning values for unmatchedToday, unmatchedMonth and unmatchedTotal conversions in ConversionStats

Release date: 06/15/2023

API v3.6.2

  • New 3 seconds throttling between requests added on getTargets when fetchStats is set to true

Release date: 12/22/2022

API v3.6.1

Release date: 10/18/2022

API v3.5.0

Release date: 12/16/2021

API v3.4.3

Release date: 9/8/2021

API v3.4.2

  • The branding bar URL now is required for PUSH creatives, please have a look at AdUnit or AdUnitUpdate

Release date: 9/7/2021

API v3.4.1

  • We are no longer support discontinued macros. For full list of allowed macros please click here. Any attempt to add or update creative URL with discontinued macros will throw Exception.

Release date: 3/1/2021

API v3.4.0

  • PUSH creatives have got a new look. For changes in properties limitation, please see AdUnit or AdUnitUpdate

Release date: 12/24/2020

API v3.3.1

  • Min. bids for LIGHTBOX creative type has been decreased to $0.010,
    also please see operation getRegions() for more details

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The format of frequencyCap property on the creative level is changed, please have a look at FrequencyCap. The methods affected by this change are: addCreative(), updateCreative() and getCreatives()

  • The method getFrequencyCaps() is no longer supported and has been removed from the API.

Release date: 9/27/2020

API v3.2.2

  • The branding bar URL now supports up to 30 characters for PUSH creatives, please have a look at AdUnit

Release date: 8/6/2020

API v3.2.1

  • Changed limit for the number of unique visitors per day for DISPLAY creative, please have a look at CreativeAdd

Release date: 3/26/2020

API v3.2.0

  • Creating new PUSH creative through the addCreative() is allowed.

  • New enum value PUSH_NOTIFICATION in AdUnitType added, please have a look at AdUnit

Release date: 2/27/2020

API v3.1.3

  • Max. bids for TEXTLINK, DISPLAY and LIGHTBOX creative types has been increased up to $300, also please see operation getRegions() for more details

  • Creating new creative through addCreative() which has a region set to one of the GDPR countries is disabled, also please see operation getRegions() for more details

Release date: 11/22/2018

API v3.1.1

  • New enum value Get Matched in AdUnitCTAButton added, please have a look at AdUnit

Release date: 8/23/2018

API v3.1.0

  • Create new TEXTLINK creative through the addCreative() is allowed only for TEXTLINK_MODULAR adunit type.

  • New enum value TEXTLINK_MODULAR in AdUnitType added, please have a look at AdUnit

Release date: 4/30/2018

API v3.0.8

  • Create new TEXTLINK creative through the addCreative() is disabled.

Release date: 3/22/2018

API v3.0.7

  • Add IP address restriction to access your account thought API now is optional, also please have a look at getLockdown().

Release date: 3/2/2018

API v3.0.6

  • New enum value TEXTLINK_300X250_TEXT in AdUnitType added, please have a look at AdUnit.

Release date: 7/15/2014

API v3.0.5

Creative categories are no longer controlled by the advertisers. This reflects the following:

Release date: 6/26/2014

API v3.0.4

  • getMatchingOptions() Flip It! changed into Broadmatch.
    Documentation for type TargetAdd improved so it describes all characters allowed within targets.

Release date: 2/13/2014

API v3.0.3

API 3.0.3 was released due to internal campaign/creative/ target status management changes.
The API will continue to provide statuses in a word based format instead of the symbols you can now find in the interface.

However, API users should be aware of the new status management logic and adapt it to their application's needs.

The new logic isolates status changes for all campaigns/creatives/target.

This means that changing the status of one item will change neither the parent's nor the child's status.

For example, upon changing a campaign status to paused, active creatives within that campaign will retain their active status.

The same thing applies to creatives and targets. However, neither creatives nor targets are eligible for serving under the paused campaign no matter what their current status is.

Release date: 5/29/2013

API v3.0.2

System Service v3 now also provides operation getLockdown() which returns the set of lockdown IP addresses from which access to your account is limited through the API;

Error codes are extended and changed for SOAP fault messages, please see Error Responses for more details:

  • Error code 10 is now returned in case of failed authentication due to your account currently being suspended;

  • New error code 11 is returned in case API request was denied as not performed from one of your lockdown IP addresses, with additional data provided within the detail node of returned SOAP fault message;

  • New error code 12 is returned in case of API requests becoming throttled and not performed for the Reports Service v3, replacing previously returned error code 10.

Release date: 12/26/2012

API v3.0.1

System Service v3 now also provides operation getUsername() which returns username of your account accessed through the API;

Documentation for operation addTargets() and types TargetAdd and TargetAdded improved so it describes characters allowed within targets, transformations performed before specified targets are added — and length constraints for targets;

Documentation for types CampaignAdd, CampaignUpdate, CreativeAdd, CreativeUpdate, AdUnit, and AdUnitUpdate improved so it describes characters allowed within campaigns, creatives and ad units parameters — together with their length constraints.

Release date: 12/3/2012

API v3.0.0

Please note that API v3 is not backwards compatible with the v2 — all available services, operations and data types were completely reworked so they became more simple and easier to use, while providing improved and more versatile options;

Targeting by region codes is supported for international accounts, through data definitions for creatives and optional filters for reporting, please see operation getRegions() and types Region, Creative, CreativeAdd and Target for more details;

Campaigns Service v3 is restructured so it now consists of the following operations:

  • addCampaign() takes place of the same named v2 operation, while adding support for advanced scheduling;

  • deleteCampaigns() takes place of the same named v2 operation, while adding support for returning list of ID values for unchanged (already deleted) campaigns;

  • getCampaignIds() replaces v2 operation getCampaignIDs(), while adding support for optional filter specification for campaigns names;

  • getCampaigns() replaces v2 operation getCampaignBasicDetails(), while adding support for advanced scheduling and optional fetching of brief stats data for the returned campaigns, please see type CampaignStats for more details;

  • pauseCampaigns() and resumeCampaigns() that are replacing v2 operation updateCampaignStatus(), while adding support for returning lists of ID values for unchanged (already paused or active) campaigns;

  • updateCampaign() replaces v2 operation updateCampaignBasicDetails(), while adding support for specifying values only for those campaign parameters you actually want to update, together with adding support for advanced scheduling;

Conversions Service v3 provides operations for managing your conversions, through new operations getConversionIds(), getConversionWindows() and getConversions();

Creatives Service v3 is restructured so it now consists of the following operations:

  • addCreative() takes place of the same named v2 operation, while adding support for advanced scheduling and optional creation of new creatives as paused, together with using simplified definitions for the ad units data and allowing matching options to be specified;

  • deleteCreatives() takes place of the same named v2 operation, while adding support for returning list of ID values for unchanged (already deleted) creatives;

  • getCategories() replaces v2 operation getCreativeCategories();

  • getCreativeIds() replaces v2 operation getCreativeIDs(), while adding support for optional filter specification for creatives names, adding support for selecting by multiple values for parent campaign ID values, and removing support for filtering by the amount for remaining total budget and date/time of last creative modification;

  • getCreatives() replaces v2 operations getCreativeBasicDetails() and getCreativeAdvancedDetails(), while adding support for advanced scheduling and optional fetching of brief stats data for the returned creatives (please see type CreativeStats for more details), together with using simplified definitions for the ad units data and making matching options available;

  • getFrequencyCaps() returns all currently available creatives frequency caps;

  • getMatchingOptions() returns all currently available creatives matching options;

  • pauseCreatives() and resumeCreatives() that are replacing v2 operation updateCreativeStatus(), while adding support for returning lists of ID values for unchanged (already paused or active) creatives;

  • updateCreative() replaces v2 operations updateCreativeBasicDetails() and updateCreativeAdvancedDetails(), while adding support for specifying values only for those creative parameters you actually want to update, together with adding support for advanced scheduling and matching options;

Reports Service v3 now supports additional features, through its all three operations:

  • Optional filter specification for targeted region code, please see operation getRegions() for more details;

  • Optional filter specification for conversion ID values;

  • Optional filter specification for creative type;

  • Optional filter specification for targets status;

  • Optional advanced data filtering specification through operators and ranges, please see type ReportFilter for more details;

  • Optional specification for ordering and slicing of the available stats data, please see type ReportSlice for more details;

System Service v3 is restructured so it now consists of the following operations:

  • getAccountStatus() returns current account–level serving status;

  • getApiVersion() replaces v2 operation getServerVersion();

  • getRegions() returns regions codes and descriptions, together with minimal and maximal bids allowed for each of them;

  • getServerTime() takes place of the same named v2 operation, providing unchanged functionality;

  • pauseAccount() pauses serving for your whole account, if it was active;

  • resumeAccount() resumes serving for your whole account, if it was paused;

Targets Service v3 is restructured so it now consists of the following operations:

  • addTargets() takes place of the same named v2 operation, while adding support for returning actually stored targets and max. bid values, please see types TargetAdded and TargetIgnored for more details;

  • deleteTargets() takes place of the same named v2 operation, providing unchanged functionality;

  • getSuggested() returns suggested targets that can be used within your creatives;

  • getTargetIds() replaces v2 operation getTargetIDs(), while adding support for optional filter specification for targets (keywords or URLs), and optional filter specification for campaign ID values;

  • getTargets() replaces v2 operations getTargetBasicDetails() and getTargetAdvancedDetails(), while returning more data for each target (date/time of creation and last modification, targeted region code etc.) and adding support for optional fetching of brief stats data for the returned targets, please see type TargetStats for more details;

  • pauseTargets() and resumeTargets() that are replacing v2 operation updateTargetStatus(), while adding support for returning lists of compound ID values for unchanged (already paused or active) targets;

  • updateTargets() replaces v2 operation updateTargetBids(), while adding support for returning list of compound ID values for targets with unchanged bids;

Error Responses returned within SOAP fault messages are changed and extended, while SOAP fault messages now also contain ID value of the already existing item in case requested API operation failed because of an already existing duplicate or deleted item;

XML content of each WSDL service definition now contains embedded documentation for the represented SOAP service.

Release date: 11/27/2012

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